
Showing posts from February, 2021

Top 10: Crazy and unusual Bonsai trees

  Its not difficult to find crazy, strange or at least unusual Bonsai creations on the internet. In this Top 10 we have listed the most interesting images.   (#1) Bag End Bonsai landscape by Chris Guise The wonderful Lord of the Rings movies were more than enough inspiration for Chris to recreate the Bag End landscape in miniature, with a stunning Bonsai as result. Read more about how it was made in the " Bag End Bonsai landscape " article!   (#2) Juniper Bonsai tree by Luis Vila A Juniper Bonsai tree, placed in a unique Crescent Bowl which enhances the dramatic effect of the cascade composition. Photo by: Salvador De Los Reyes.   (#3) Crash Bonsai Miniature cars folded around Bonsai trees, the result? Crash Bonsai ( source ).   (#4) Bonsai Art by Makoto Azuma The Japanese artist Makoto Azuma created this exposition, using classic Japanese Bonsai trees .   (#5) Pine Bonsai at Ryokan Yachiyo It took 30 years to grow the 6,5 foot (2 meter) branch of th